Scientific publications
- García-Mieres, H., Parra, L., Paz-Vázquez, L. M., Castaño, E., & Pedrosa, I. (2024), Bridging generations: the power of digitization and social innovation in preserving rural cultural heritage, Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 1–14October 2024
- León-Paul Schaub Torre, Pelayo Quirós & Helena García Mieres, Detección automática de patologías en notas clínicas en español combinando modelos de lenguaje y ontologías médicas., SEPLN, ValladolidSeptember 2024
- José Antonio González Díaz, Silvia Fernández López, Luisa María Paz Vázquez, Lidia Parra, Eva Castaño y Claudia Fuente García, Destinos turísticos inteligentes rurales cocreados por la comunidad local: El caso del Valle del río España, Villaviciosa, Asturias, Revista de Estudios Turísticos Nº 227- DOI:10.61520/et.2272024.1227July 2024
- Pedrosa, I. y Pascual, J. , La transformación digital responsable: el papel de las personas en la era digital global, TELOS, 125, Páginas 54-59July 2024
- Manuel Luna, Simón Fernández-Vazquez, Emilio Tereñes Castelao and Álvaro Arias Fernández, A blockchain-based approach to the challenges of EU’s environmental policy compliance in aquaculture: From traceability to fraud prevention, 2023
- De Rosario H, Pitarch-Corresa S, Pedrosa I, Vidal-Pedrós M, de Otto-López B, García-Mieres H, Álvarez-Rodríguez L , Applications of Natural Language Processing for the Management of Stroke Disorders: Scoping Review, JMIR Med Inform 2023;11:e48693
DOI: 10.2196/48693September 2023 - De Otto, B., Pedrosa, I., Quirós, P., & Pascual, J. (2023). , Balanced Models from Unbalanced Data: An Illustrative Case in Cardiovascular Risk., (p.243–256). Valencia: I.U. de Matemática Multidisciplinar, Universitat Politécnica de Valencia.July 2023
- Helena García-Mieres, Ignacio Pedrosa & Jimena Pascual , Human Factor on Artificial Intelligence: The Way to Ethical and Responsible Economic Growth, In book: Innovation - Research and Development for Human, Economic and Institutional Growth. Publisher: IntechOpen. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.111915June 2023
- Quirós, P., Lasheras, F.S., Methodology for the projection of population pyramids based on Monte Carlo simulation and genetic algorithms., Appl Intell (2023).January 2023
- Diez-Diaz, F. D. D., Quirós, P. Q., Garcia-Fernandez, S. G. F. & Pedrosa, Detección temprana de enfermedades asociadas a la marcha mediante tecnología edge computing en entorno extraclínico, I. P. (2022). En IV Congreso Internacional de Promoción de la Salud. Universidad de Oviedo. EspañaDecember 2022
- Pedrosa, I., Quirós, P., Álvarez, L., Rubio-González, A. & Caso, E. (2022), Inteligencia Artificial y fragilidad en población mayor: hacia la prevención en medicina personalizada de precisión, En Consorcio ELDER: El reto de envejecer. Respuestas proactivas, responsables y preventivas al envejecimiento de la población en el Principado de Asturias (pp. 131-140). Ediciones TREA, S.L.December 2022
- Díez Díaz, F., Pedrosa, I., Quirós Cueto, P., Álvarez Díaz, Empathic Smart Conversational Agent for Enhanced Recovery from Abdominal Surgery at Home, In: Stephanidis, C., Antona, M., Ntoa, S., Salvendy, G. (eds) HCI International 2022 – Late Breaking Posters. HCII 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1654. Springer, Cham. 2022
- Pedrosa, I., Quirós, P., de Rosario-Martínez, H., Garrido-Jaén, J. D., González, M. L., Sedano, J., … Bazan, X., Cutting-edge innovation on Artificial Intelligence for integrated care on neuromusculoskeletal disorders. International Journal of Integrated Care, 22(S3), 403.DOI: 2022
- G. Fernández, A. Menéndez, P. Meneses, A. Zubiria, A. García, F. Díez, J. Jimeno, J.E. Rodríguez-Seco and A. F. Cortés, Development and Initial Testing of a Virtual Laboratory for the Buildup and Testing of Microgrid Management Algorithms, 20th International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ’22), Vigo (Spain), 27th to 29th July 2022, Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ), ISSN 2172-038 X, Volume No.20, Septiembre 2022September 2022
- Andrés García Mangas, Francisco José Suárez Alonso, Daniel Fernando García Martínez, Fidel Díez Díaz,, WoTemu: An emulation framework for edge computing architectures based on the Web of Things,, Computer Networks, Volume 209, 2022, 108868, ISSN 1389-1286,, Mayo 2022May 2022
- García, A.; Ranilla, J.; Alonso Alvarez, R.; Meijueiro, L., An Extensible Computing Platform for Heavy Quantum Simulation Workloads, Preprints 2021, 2021120356December 2021
- C. Campomanes-Álvarez, B.R. Campomanes-Álvarez, P. Quirós, Automatic Head Appearance Recognition for Individuals Affected by PIMD, XIX Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA), September 2021, Málaga, Spain.September 2021
- Simon Fernandez-Vazquez, Rafael Rosillo, Luis Meijueiro, Raul Alonso Alvarez & David De La Fuente, A comparative study of blockchain’s largest permissionless networks, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, DOI: 10.1080/09537325.2021.1976748.August 2021
- C. Campomanes-Álvarez, B.R. Campomanes-Álvarez, Automatic Facial Expression Recognition for the Interaction of Individuals with Multiple Disabilities., 2021 International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence (ICAPAI), pp. 1-6. May 2021, Halden, Norway.May 2021
- F. Díez Díaz, F., F. Sánchez Lasheras, V. Moreno, F. Moratalla-Navarro, A. J. Molina de la Torre, V. Martín Sánchez, GASVeM: A New Machine Learning Methodology for Multi-SNP Analysis of GWAS Data Based on Genetic Algorithms and Support Vector Machines, Mathematics, vol. 9, pp. 1-19, Mar. 2021, ISSN: 2227-7390March 2021
- García, S., Pedrosa, I., Lapuente, I., Lapuente, B., Delgado, A., Azema, D., Raupp, A., Oliveira, M., Berthier, A., Bastier, S., Lapeyre, Y.,Teixeira, P., Improving the empowerment and knowledge about chronic diseases of children and adolescents through the use of a video game., 21st International Conference on Integrated Care (ICIC21)January 2021
- Ibaseta, D., García, A., Álvarez, M., Garzón, B., Díez, F., Coca, P., Del Pero, C. & Molleda, J., Monitoring and control of energy consumption in buildings using WoT: A novel approach for smart retrofit, Sustainable Cities and Society, 65, 102637January 2021
- Ibaseta, D., Molleda, J., Álvarez, M., & Díez, F., An Expert System for Building Energy Management Through the Web of Things, In International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems (pp. 477-485). Springer, ChamNovember 2020
- P. Quirós and B.R. Campomanes-Álvarez, The new Spanish political scenario: Twitter graph and opinion analysis with an interactive visualisation, Proceedings of the EDBT/ICDT 2020 Joint Conference (March 30-April 2, 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark) on 2020
- Meijueiro, L.; Luque, R., Blockchain en el sector público ¿una posibilidad real?, Novática No. 241, Enero-Abril 2020. ISSN: 2444-6629April 2020
- C. Campomanes-Álvarez, B.R. Campomanes-Álvarez, P. Quirós, Person Identification System in a Platform for Enabling Interaction With Individuals Affected by Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities, International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence (IJSSCI)January 2020
- Pascual, J., García, S., Pedrosa, I., Lapuente, I., Lapuente, B., Delgado, A., Azema, D., Raupp, A. Oliveira, M., Berthier, A., Bastier, S., Lapeyre, Y. & Teixeira, P., eLearning Technologies on the follow-up of Young People with Chronic Diseases, European Journal of Public Health, 30(Supplement_2), ckaa040-043.January 2020
- García Fernández, S., Pedrosa García, I., Acebes Tamargo, P., Lapuente Heppe, I., Delgado Diego, A., Lapuente Solinis, B., Diseño de una app móvil basada en un juego para la promoción de la salud y gestión de enfermedades crónicas destinada a la población infantil y juvenil., II Congreso Internacional de Promoción de la Salud – PRECAM.January 2020
- Oliveira, M., García, S., Pedrosa, I., Lapuente, I., Lapuente, B., Delgado, A., Azema, D., Raupp, A., Berthier, A., Bastier, S., Lapeyre, Y., Teixeira, P., Suitability of elearning technologies in the daily care of chronic conditions for children and teenagers, 6th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents, Book of abstracts (ISSN: 2660-5767)January 2020
- A. García Mangas and F. J. Suárez Alonso, WOTPY: A framework for web of things applications, Computer Communications, vol. 147, pp. 235–251, Nov. 2019, doi: 10.1016/j.comcom.2019.09.004.November 2019
- Kosiedowski M., Radziuk A., Szymaniak P., Kapsa W., Rajtar T., Stroinski M., Campomanes-Alvarez C., Campomanes-Alvarez BR., Lustrek M., Cigale M., Dovgan E., and Slapnicar G. , "On Applying Ambient Intelligence to Assist People with Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities", Bi Y., Bhatia R., Kapoor S. (eds) Intelligent Systems and Applications. IntelliSys 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1038. Springer, Cham.September 2019
- F. Díez Díaz, F. Sánchez Lasheras, F. J. de Cos Juez, V. Martín Sánchez, Evolutionary Algorithm for Pathways Detection in GWAS Studies, HAIS 2019: Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. 14th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems (HAIS), León, 2019, pp. 111-122September 2019
- F. Sánchez Lasheras, F. Díez Díaz, J. E. Sánchez Lasheras, V. Martín Sánchez, FJ. de Cos Juez, Uso de generadores sintéticos de datos genómicos y metodologías de machine learning en estudios de asociación de genoma completo, XXXVII Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología, Oviedo, 2019September 2019
- C. Campomanes-Álvarez, B.R. Campomanes-Álvarez and P. Quirós, “Person Identification System in a Platform for Enabling Interaction with Individuals Affected by Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities”, 2019 IEEE 18th International Conference on Cognitive Informatics & Cognitive Computing (ICCI*CC), Milan, 2019, pp. 166-173.July 2019
- Ibaseta, D. and Molleda, J. and Diez, F. and Granda, J.C., An IOT platform for indoor air quality monitoring using the Web of things, Wessex Institute, 27th International Conference on Modelling, Monitoring and Management of Air Pollution, Aveiro, PortugalJune 2019
- Pascual, J., García, S., Pedrosa, I., Delgado, A., Lapuente, B., Lapuente, I., Teixeira, P., Lapeyre, Y., Bastier, S., Berthier, A., Rodrigues, C., Azema, D., Raupp, A. , Comprehensive care of chronic diseases in young population through a technological solution, 5th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents, Book of abstracts (ISSN: 2695-4664)January 2019
- Pascual, J., García, S., Pedrosa, I., Delgado, A., Lapuente, B., Lapuente, I., Teixeira, P., Lapeyre, Y., Bastier, S., Berthier, A., Rodrigues, C., Azema, D., Raupp, A. , Intervention and follow-up of young people with chronic diseases using an interactive game, 5th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents, Book of abstracts (ISSN: 2695-4664)January 2019
- V. Álvarez-López, B. R. Campomanes-Álvarez & P. Quirós, "Hybrid Machine Learning Methods for Demand Forecasting", 2nd International Conference on Application of Intelligent Systems (APPIS), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, España, 2019.January 2019
- Pedrosa García, I., Pascual Fernández, J., García Fernández, S. & Álvarez Espinar, M., Promoción de hábitos saludables en personas mayores residentes en entorno despoblado mediante una solución tecnológica de bajo coste, I Congreso Internacional de Promoción de la salud – PRECAM.January 2019
- Ibaseta, D. and Molleda, J. and Diez, F. and Granda, J.C., Indoor air quality monitoring sensor for the Web of Things, 2nd International Research Conference on Sustainable Energy, Engineering, Materials and Environment (SEEME). MDPI Proceedings, Vol. 2, Number 23, pages 1466:1--4, Mieres, España, doi 10.3390/proceedings2231466July 2018
- B.R. Campomanes-Álvarez, P. Quirós, B. Fernández. , Semi-Supervised Learning for Spanish Speech Recognition Using Deep Neural Networks., Frontiers in Artificial and Applications, 310, pp. 19-29. January 2018
- Pelayo Quirós, Pedro Alonso, Irene Díaz y Vladimir Janiš, S. Montes., On cardinalities of finite interval-valued hesitant fuzzy sets, Information Sciences, Vol. 418, 421–431.
August 2017 - C. Campomanes-Álvarez, B. R. Campomanes-Álvarez, S. Guadarrama, O. Ibáñez & O. Cordón, An experimental study on fuzzy distances for skull–face overlay in craniofacial superimposition, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 318(1):110-119July 2017
- Pascual, J., Saornil, M., Menéndez, J., García, S., Chanca P., Alcedo, M., Gómez, L., Fontanil, Y. & Monsalve, A. (, EmoPLAY: aprendizaje de emociones en niños con Trastorno del Espectro Autista mediante una herramienta informatizada, Libro de actas II Congreso Internacional Tecnología y Turismo. Accesibiliad 4.0 para todas las personas, 102-108.January 2017
- Pelayo Quirós, Pedro Alonso, Irene Díaz, Arantzazu Jurío y Susana Montes, A hybrid construction method based on weight functions to obtain interval-valued fuzzy relations, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Vol 39 (16), 4723-4735November 2016
- O. Ibáñez, A. Valsecchi, F. Cavalli, M. I. Huete, B.R. Campomanes-Alvarez et al., Study on the criteria for assessing skull-face correspondence in craniofacial superimposition, Legal Medicine, 23:59-70November 2016
- Fidel Díez, Daniel Sanchez-Valdes, Análisis inteligente de datos para supervisión del tráfico, II Congreso Ciudades Inteligentes, Madrid, SpainMay 2016
- Pelayo Quirós, José María Alonso y David Pérez Pancho, Descriptive and Comparative Analysis of Human Perceptions expressed through Fuzzy Rating Scale-based Questionnaires, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, Vol. 9 (3), 450–467April 2016
- Pelayo Quirós, Pedro Alonso, Irene Díaz y Susana Montes, On δ-ϵ -Partitions for Finite Interval-Valued Hesitant Fuzzy Sets, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 24 (2), 145–163March 2016
- Daniel Sanchez-Valdes, Alberto Álvarez-Álvarez y Gracián Triviño, Dynamic linguistic descriptions of time series applied to self-track the physical activity, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 285:162–181February 2016
- García, S., Castaño, A., Retamar, A., Carús, J.L., González, R., Labra, J.A. et al., Diseño de un asistente virtual para promover la actividad física en personas mayores, Libro de actas II Congreso Ciudades Inteligentes, 677-682.January 2016
- Waterworth, J., Waterworth, E., Álvarez, P., Gutiérrez, J., Carús, J. L., & Garcia, S., What Do Elderly Users Want and Need from Fitness Technologies?: Findings from the ELF@Home Project. In D. Villani, P. Cipresso, A. Gaggioli, & G. Riva (Eds.), Integrating Technology in Positive Psychology Practice (pp. 104-126). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-9986-1.ch005January 2016
- Daniel Sanchez-Valdes, Gracian Trivino, Linguistic and emotional feedback for self-tracking physical activity, Expert Systems with Applications 2015, 42(24), 9574-9586December 2015
- Agustina Bouchet, Pelayo Quirós, Pedro Alonso, Victoria Ballarin, Irene Díaz y Susana Montes, Grey Scale Edge Detection using Interval-Valued Fuzzy Relations, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, Vol. 8 (2), 16–27December 2015
- Agustina Bouchet, Pelayo Quirós, Pedro Alonso, Victoria Ballarín, Susana Montes e Irene Díaz, Gray Scale Edge Detection using Interval-Valued Fuzzy Relations, 5th International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Management and Decision Making (EUREKA2015), México D.F., MéxicoSeptember 2015
- Daniel Sanchez-Valdes, Alberto Álvarez-Álvarez y Gracián Triviño, Walking pattern classification using a granular linguistic analysis, Applied Soft Computing, 33:100–113August 2015
- O. Ibáñez, F. Cavalli, B. R. Campomanes-Álvarez, C. Campomanes-Álvarez, A. Valsecchi & M.I. Huete, Ground truth data generation for skull-face overlay, International Journal of Legal Medicine, 129(3):569-81July 2015
- B. R. Campomanes-Álvarez, O. Ibáñez, C. Campomanes-Álvarez, S. Damas & O. Cordón, Modeling the Soft Tissue Thickness for Automatic Skull-Face Overlay, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, (10)10:2057-2070June 2015
- Agustina Bouchet, Pelayo Quirós, Pedro Alonso, Irene Díaz y Susana Montes, Medical edge detection combining fuzzy mathematical morphology with interval-valued relations, 10 th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 368, 229–239May 2015
- B. R. Campomanes-Álvarez, O. Ibáñez, F. Navarro, I. Alemán, O. Cordón & S. Damas, Dispersion assessment in the location of facial landmarks on photographs, International Journal of Legal Medicine, (129)1:227-236May 2015
- Pelayo Quirós, Pedro Alonso, Humberto Bustince, Irene Díaz y Susana Montes, An entropy measure definition for finite interval-valued hesitant fuzzy sets, Knowledge- Based Systems, Vol. 84, 121–133April 2015
- Alberto Fernández, Rodrigo García, Rubén Usamentiaga, Rubén Casado, Glasses detection on real images based on robust alignment, Machine Vision and Applications, Volume 26, Issue 4, pp 519–531March 2015
- Álvarez, M., Web Semántica y datos enlazados, TABULA, Número 18, 2015. pp.21-43, ISSN: 1132-6506March 2015
- B. R. Campomanes-Álvarez, C. Campomanes-Álvarez, E. Bermejo, A. Valsecchi, O. Ibañez, S. Damas & O. Cordón, Soft Computing and Computer Vision in Forensic Identification, Mathware & Soft Computing Magazine, 22(1):23-26January 2015
- Agustina Bouchet, Pelayo Quirós, Pedro Alonso, Susana Montes e Irene Díaz, Medical Edge Detection combining Fuzzy Mathematical Morphology with Interval-Valued Relations, 10 th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental ApplicationsJanuary 2015
- Pelayo Quirós, Pedro Alonso, Irene Díaz y Vladimir Janiš, An axiomatic definition of cardinality for finite interval-valued hesitant fuzzy sets, 16th World Congress of the International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA) and 9th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT), Gijón, EspañaJanuary 2015
- Candás, J. L. C., Peláez, V., López, G., Fernández, M. Á., Álvarez, E., & Díaz, G., An automatic data mining method to detect abnormal human behaviour using physical activity measurements. Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Volume 15, Pages 228-241December 2014
- Pelayo Quirós, Pedro Alonso, Irene Díaz y Susana Montes, On the use of fuzzy partitions to protect data, Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, Vol. 21 (4), 355–366October 2014
- Pedro Alonso, Irene Díaz, Susana Montes, Raúl Pérez-Fernández y Pelayo Quirós, Fuzzy sets as mathematical tool: applications, 4th International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Management and Decision Making (EUREKA2014), México D.F., MéxicoOctober 2014
- Pelayo Quirós, Pedro Alonso, Irene Díaz y Susana Montes, Introducing weight functions to construct interval-valued fuzzy relations, 14th International Conference Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE), Cádiz, EspañaOctober 2014
- Pelayo Quirós, Pedro Alonso, Irene Díaz y Susana Montes, Protecting data: a fuzzy approach, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 92 (9), 1989–2000May 2014
- Sonia García, Víctor Peláez, Roberto González, Luis Ángel San Martín, Vanesa Lobato, Enrique Pérez Sáez, Mireia Tofiño García, Design and evaluation of an intergenerational gaming platform for cognitive stimulation, Journal of Accessibility and Design for All, Vol 4, No 3May 2014
- Álvarez, M., Apertura y reutilización de datos públicos, ISBN: 978-84-393-9213-2; Generalitat de CatalunyaMay 2014
- B. R. Campomanes-Álvarez, O. Cordón, S. Damas & O. Ibáñez, Computer-based craniofacial superimposition in forensic identification using soft computing, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 5:683-697May 2014
- B. R. Campomanes-Álvarez, O. Ibáñez, F. Navarro, M. Botella, S. Damas & O. Cordón, Computer Vision and Soft Computing for Automatic Skull-Face Overlay in Craniofacial Superimposition, Forensic Science International, 245:77-86May 2014
- Álvarez, M., Efficient Reuse of Public Transport Information in the City of Gijon, Samos Share PSI WorkshopApril 2014
- Lara González-Villanueva, Alberto Álvarez-Álvarez, Luca Ascari y Gracián Triviño, A tool for linguistic assessment of rehabilitation exercises, Applied Soft Computing, 14(Part A):120–131January 2014
- Carús, J. L., García, S., García, R., Waterworth, J., & Erdt, S., The ELF@ Home project: Elderly sELF-care based on sELF-check of health conditions and sELF-fitness at home, Studies in health technology and informatics, 200, 164-166January 2014
- Daniel Sanchez-Valdes, Gracian Trivino, Computational Perceptions of uninterpretable data. A case study on the linguistic modeling of human gait as a quasi-periodic phenomenon, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 12/2013; 253:101-121December 2013
- Daniel Sanchez-Valdes, Alberto Alvarez-Alvarez, Gracian Trivino, Linguistic description about circular structures of the Mars' surface, Applied Soft Computing 09/2013; 13(12):4738-4749December 2013
- Daniel Sanchez-Valdes, Alberto Álvarez-Álvarez y Gracián Triviño, Linguistic description about circular structures of the Mars’ surface, Applied Soft Computing, 13(12):4738–4749December 2013
- Carus J, Peláez V., Garcia S, Fernández MA, Díaz G., Alvarez E., A Non-invasive and Autonomous Physical Activity Measurement System for the Elderly, In proceeding of: The IEEE 2013 International Symposium on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Autonomic Systems (UIAS 2013), At Vietri Sul MariDecember 2013
- Suarez, M. J., Gonzalez, S., Acevedo, R., & Marigorta, E. B., CFD analysis of wind potential in a district in Gijón, In New Concepts in Smart Cities: Fostering Public and Private Alliances (SmartMILE), 2013 International Conference on (pp. 1-4). IEEEDecember 2013
- Losada, Daniel Gonzalez; Lopez, Gustavo Adolfo Rosai; Acevedo, Rodrigo Garcia; Villan, Alberto Fernandez, AVIUE — Artificial vision to improve the user experience, New Concepts in Smart Cities: Fostering Public and Private Alliances (SmartMILE), 2013 International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1,6, 11-13December 2013
- Álvarez, M., De la Fuente, C., Open Linked Data: La Nueva Frontera, La Promesa del Gobierno AbiertoDecember 2013
- Alvarez, E. A., Villán, A. F., Acevedo, R. G., de Benito, A. C., Meana, M. J., & Prieto, M. A. G., Control system to counteract axial displacement during the welding of huge pipes, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 69(1-4), 647-655September 2013
- Daniel Sanchez-Valdes, Gracian Trivino, Increasing the granularity degree in linguistic descriptions of quasi-periodic phenomena, 10th International Conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems (FQAS), Granada, SpainSeptember 2013
- Peláez,V., Evaluación de una plataforma de estimulación cognitiva multi-participante y basada en dispositivos táctiles, Libro de actas del congreso. “V Congreso Internacional de Diseño, Redes de Investigación y Tecnología para todos (DTR4ALL)”. MadridSeptember 2013
- Suárez M.J, Sarries I., Álvarez E. & Gutiérrez A.J., CFD analysis of the influence of different design parameters in the performance of horizontal ground-coupled heat exchangers, 5th International Congress on Energy and Environment Engineering and Management / Lisbon, 17-19 July 2013July 2013
- Suárez M.J, Sarries I., Álvarez E. & Gutiérrez A.J., CFD analysis of a large mass of water performance in the heat dissipation from a solar cooling installation, 5th International Congress on Energy and Environment Engineering and Management / Lisbon, 17-19 July 2013July 2013
- Pelayo Quirós, Pedro Alonso, Irene Díaz y Susana Montes, Fuzzy Sets as a Tool for Protecting Sensitive Information, 5th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on COMPUTING & STATISTICS (ERCIM), Oviedo, EspañaJuly 2013
- Miravet, P., Ortin, F., Marin, I., & Rodríguez, J., Framework for the declarative implementation of native mobile applications, IET Software. doi: 10.1049/iet-sen.2012.0194July 2013
- Pelayo Quirós, Pedro Alonso, Irene Díaz y Susana Montes, On the Use of Fuzzy Partitions to Protect Data, 13th International Conference Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE), Almería, EspañaJuly 2013
- Carús, J. L., Peláez, V., López, G., Fernández, M. Á., Álvarez, E., & Díaz, G., Unsupervised abnormal human behaviour detection using acceleration data, Studies in health technology and informatics, 189, 65-70June 2013
- Escolar, J. R., A context-aware dialog model for multi-device web development, Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive computing systems (pp. 167-170). ACMJune 2013
- Alberto Álvarez-Álvarez, José María Alonso y Gracián Triviño, Human activity recognition in indoor environments by means of fusing information extracted from intensity of WiFi signal and accelerations, Information Sciences, 233:162–182June 2013
- SE RDA (Romania), IFKA (Hungary), IDEPA (Spain), CTIC (Spain), Tuscany Region (Italy), Inria (France),Regional Council of Lorraine (France), University of Wuppertal (Germany), Tartu Science Park (Eesti), Bordwiis+: Sharing smart cities experiences among European regions, In New Concepts in Smart Cities: Fostering Public and Private Alliances (SmartMILE), 2013 International ConferenceJune 2013
- Frederik Schütte, Rubén Casado Tejedor, Emilio Rubiera Azcona, Interoperability during a Cross-Border Firefighting Operation at the Dutch-German Border, Proceedings of the 10th International ISCRAM ConferenceMay 2013
- Sánchez, M. N., Sanjuan, C., Suárez, M. J., & Heras, M. R., Experimental assessment of the performance of open joint ventilated façades with buoyancy-driven airflow, Solar Energy, 91, 131-144May 2013
- Lara González-Villanueva, Alberto Álvarez-Álvarez, Luca Ascari y Gracián Triviño, Computational model of human body motion performing a complex exercise by means of a Fuzzy Finite State Machine, Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical Imaging Using Bio-Inspired and Soft Computing (MIBISOC), Bruselas, Bélgica, p. 245–251May 2013
- B. R. Campomanes-Álvarez, O. Cordón & S. Damas, Evolutionary multi-objective optimization for mesh simplification of 3D open models, Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 20(4):375-390February 2013
- Alberto Álvarez-Álvarez y Gracián Triviño, Automatic linguistic report on the quality of the gait of a person, Fuzziness and Medicine: Philosophical Reflections and Application Systems in Health Care. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, 302: 157–171January 2013
- Escolar, J. R., Cachón, C. G., Marín, I., & Gutiérrez, N., MMW-4S: a model-based approach for generating context-aware user interfaces for the mobile Web, CEUR Workshop ProceedingsJanuary 2013
- Alberto Álvarez-Álvarez y Gracián Triviño, Linguistic description of the human gait quality, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 26(1):13–23January 2013
- Javier R. Escolar, Cristina G. Cachón, Ignacio Marín, Jean Vanderdonckt, Vivian G. Motti, A model-based approach to generate connection-aware applications for the mobile web, Romanian Journal of Human - Computer Interaction, 2013, vol. 6, no. 2, to appear. ISSN 1843-4460.January 2013
- Fernández, M. A.; Peláez, V.; López, G.; Carus, J. L.; Lobato, V., Multimodal Interfaces for the Smart Home: Findings in the Process from Architectural Design to User Evaluation, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference in Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence, UCAmI, Vitoria-Gasteiz, December 3-5, 2012December 2012
- Daniel Sanchez-Valdes, Luka Eciolaza, Gracian Trivino, Linguistic Description of Human Activity Based on Mobile Phone’s Accelerometers, 4th International Workshop on Ambient Assisted Living (IWAAL), Vitoria, SpainDecember 2012
- J. Caminero, M.C. Rodríguez-Gancedo, J. Vanderdonckt, F. Paternò, J. Rett, D. Raggett, JL Comeliau, I. Marín, Multidimensional Context-Aware Adaptation of Service Front-Ends, Proceedings of the Context-Aware Adaptation of Service Front-Ends workshop (CASFE 2012), within the Third International Joint Conference, AmI 2012, Pisa, Italy, November 13, 2012November 2012
- J. Rodríguez, C. G. Cachón, I. Marín, A manifest for application generators: helping developers with the Serenoa framework, Proceedings of the Context-Aware Adaptation of Service Front-Ends workshop (CASFE 2012), within the Third International Joint Conference, AmI 2012, Pisa, Italy, November 13, 2012November 2012
- Alberto Álvarez-Álvarez, Daniel Sánchez-Valdés y Gracián Triviño, Automatic linguistic report about the traffic evolution in roads, Expert Systems with Applications, 39(12):11293–11302September 2012
- Polo, L.; Mínguez, I.; Berrueta, D.; Ruíz, C.; Gómez, J.M., User preferences in the web of data, Semantic Web Journal. Accepted, to appearSeptember 2012
- Carus, J. L.; Peláez, V.; Lopez, G.; & Lobato, V., JIM: a Novel and Efficient Accelerometric Magnitude to Measure Physical Activity, Phealth 2012: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health (p. 283), Oporto, Portugal, June 26-28, 2012June 2012
- C. G. Cachón, J. Rodríguez, C. Jay, Accessibility in multi-device web applications, Online Symposium on Mobile Accessibility, June 25, 2012June 2012
- Alvarez, E.; Campos, A.M.; Arboleya, P. & Gutierrez, A.J., Microgrid management with a quick response optimization algorithm for active power dispatch, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol 43, nº1, pp. 465-473, 2012, ElsevierJune 2012
- García, M.; Álvarez J.M.; Berrueta, D.; Polo, L.; Labra, J.E.; and Ordóñez, P., Towards a Practical Solution for Data Grounding in a Semantic Web Services Environment, Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol. 18, No. 11, pp. 1576-1597June 2012
- Rubiera, E.; Polo, L.; Berrueta, D.; and El Ghali, A., TELIX, An RDF Model For Linguistic Annotations, Chapter in Proceedings of the 9th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2012), volume 7295 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science: The Semantic Web: Research and Applications, Simperl, E; Cimiano, P.; Polleres, A.; Corcho, O.; Presutti, V. (eds), Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 27-31, 2012May 2012
- González-Moriyón, G.; Polo, L.; Berrueta, D.; Tejo-Alonso, C.; and Iglesias, M., Assembling rule mashups in the semantic web, Proceedings of the 9th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2012), volume 7295 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science: The Semantic Web: Research and Applications, Simperl, E; Cimiano, P.; Polleres, A.; Corcho, O.;Presutti, V. (eds), Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 27-31, 2012May 2012
- J. Caminero, M. C. Rodríguez, J. Vanderdonckt, F. Paternò, J. Rett, D. Raggett, J. Comeliau, I. Marín, The Serenoa Project: Multidimensional Context-Aware Adaptation of Service Front-Ends, In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2012), pp. 2977-2984, Istanbul, Turkey, May 23-25, 2012May 2012
- García R.; López A.; Alvarez E.; González S.; Rodríguez M. & Gutiérrez A., Acoustic Communications in water pipes: an experimental approach, Proceedings of the 1st International Congress of Water, Waste and Energy Management, Salamanca, Spain, May 23-25, 2012May 2012
- Alvarez, E.; Campos A.M. & Gutierrez, A.J., OCCAM: On-line cost-function based control algorithm for microgrids, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Vol 4, pp. 033101May 2012
- Álvarez, J. M. ; Polo, L.; Rubiera, E.; Labra, J. E..; González, A.R. & Ordóñez, P., Enhancing the Access to Public Procurement Notices by Promoting Product Scheme Classifications to the Linked Open Data Initiative, Chapter in Cases on Open-Linked Data and Semantic Web Applications”. IGI GlobalMay 2012
- Alberto Alvarez-Alvarez, Daniel Sanchez-Valdes, Gracian Trivino, Ángel Sánchez, Pedro D Suárez, Automatic linguistic report about the traffic evolution in roads, Expert Systems with Applications 09/2012; 39(12):11293-11302April 2012
- Alberto Álvarez-Álvarez, Gracián Triviño y Óscar Cordón, Human gait modeling using a genetic fuzzy finite state machine, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 20(2):205–223April 2012
- Molleda, J., Carús, J. L., Usamentiaga, R., García, D. F., Granda, J. C., & Rendueles, J. L., A fast and robust decision support system for in-line quality assessment of resistance seam welds in the steelmaking industry, Computers in Industry, 63(3), 222-230April 2012
- Daniel Sánchez-Valdés, Alberto Álvarez-Álvarez y Gracián Triviño, Linguistic description of traffic evolution in roads, Actas XVI Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy (ESTYLF), Valladolid, p. 614–619February 2012
- Tejo-Alonso, C.; Berrueta, D.; Polo, L.; Fernández, S., Current practices and perspectives for metadata on web ontologies and rules, Chapter in International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies (IJMSO), Vol. 7, No. 2, 2012, pp. 93 - 100. Publisher: Inderscience. DOI: 10.1504/IJMSO.2012.050016January 2012
- Alberto Alvarez-Alvarez, Daniel Sanchez-Valdes, Gracian Trivino, Automatic linguistic description about relevant features of the Mars’ Surface, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), Córdoba, Spain, pp. 154-159January 2012
- Alberto Álvarez-Álvarez, Daniel Sánchez-Valdés y Gracián Triviño, Automatic linguistic description about relevant features of the Mars’ surface, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), Córdoba, España, p. 154–159November 2011
- Carlos Tejo-Alonso, Diego Berrueta, Luis Polo and Sergio Fernández, Metadata for web ontologies and rules: current practices and perspectives, Proceedings of the Fifth Metadata and Semantics Research Conference (MTSR 2011), pages 56-67, İzmir (Turkey), October 12-14, 2011October 2011
- Javier Soriano, Miguel Jiménez, José Manuel Cantera, Ignacio Marín and Diego Berrueta, New Trends in Semantic-Based Location and Context-Aware Adaptation for MobileWeb Applications Development, Chapter in Handbook of Research on Mobile Software Engineering: Design Implementation and Emergent Applications. Ed. IGI Global. ISBN 9781615206551October 2011
- José Quiroga, Javier Rodríguez, Diego Berrueta, Nicanor Gutiérrez, Ignacio Marín and Antonio Campos, A., From UAProf towards a Universal Device Description Repository, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Mobile Computing, Applications, and Services. Los Angeles (USA)October 2011
- Alberto Cruz, Ignacio Marín, Joaquín Entrialgo and Antonio Campos, Offloading approach for flexible provisioning and execution of remote data-gathering applications, Fifth International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services and Technologies. September 14-16, 2011. Cardiff, United KnigdomSeptember 2011
- Saray González, Vicente Rodríguez, Joaquín Villanueva and Valeriano Álvarez, Identificación y Evaluación de las Herramientas de Valoración de Ideas, XV Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos (AEIPRO 2011). Huesca (Spain), 6-8 July, 2011July 2011
- Sonia García, Vanesa Lobato, Victor Peláez, Elena González-Ingelmo, Francisco Barrientos, Stephanie Carretero, Usability evaluation of a cognitive stimulation platform based on interactive television, IV International Congress on Design, Research Networks, and Technology for all (DRT4ALL). Fundación ONCE. June, 2011. Barcelona, SpainJune 2011
- Ignacio Marín, Antonio Campos, José Quiroga, Patricia Miravet, Francisco Ortín, Device Independence approach for ICT-based PFTL solutions, Proceedings of International Conference on Paperless Freight Transport Logistics. May 10-11, 2011. Munich, GermanyMay 2011
- Lian Shi, Diego Berrueta, Sergio Fernández, Luis Polo, Iván Minguez, Emilio Rubiera and Silvino Fernández, GEEK: Analyzing Online Communities for Expertise Information, Chapter in Handbook of Research on Methods and Techniques for Studying Virtual Communities/on line communities: Paradigms and Phenomena, Ben Kei Daniel (ed.), pp. 10-33. IGI GlobalMay 2011
- Alberto Álvarez-Álvarez, Gracián Triviño y Óscar Cordón, Body posture recognition by means of a genetic fuzzy finite state machine, Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Workshop on Genetic and Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems (GEFS), París, Francia, p. 60–65April 2011
- Alberto Álvarez-Álvarez y Gracián Triviño, Automatic linguistic report on the quality of the gait of a person, 1st International Open Workshop Fuzziness and Medicine (FUZZ-MED), Mieres, EspañaMarch 2011
- José Manuel Cantera, Cristian Rodríguez, Ignacio Marín and Miguel Jiménez, MyMobileWeb 4: A Framework for adaptive mobile web 2.0 applications and portals, Chapter in Mobile Web 2.0: Developing and Delivering Services to Mobile Phones. Auerbach Publications / CRC Press. ISBN 9781439800829December 2010
- Alexandre Passant, John Breslin, Sergio Fernández, Uldis Bojārs (eds.), Proceedings of the Third International Workshop, on the Web Workshop (SDoW2010), Shanghai (China), November 8, 2010. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073November 2010
- Alexandre Passant, Sergio Fernández, John Breslin and Uldis Bojārs (eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth Social Data on the Web Workshop (SDoW2011), 10th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2011), Bonn (Germany)October 2010
- Sonia Bilbao, Jesús Herrero, Cristina Sarasua, Emilio Rubiera, José Ramón Salinas, and Juan Vicente Llácer, La Internet del Futuro y su aplicación al eTurismo, VIII Congreso Turismo y Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TURITEC 2010). Málaga (Spain), 14-15 October, 2010October 2010
- Thomas Eiter, Adil El Ghali, Sergio Fernández, Stijn Heymans, Thomas Krennwallner, François Lévy (eds.), Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Business Models, Business Rules and Ontologies (BuRO 2010), co-located with the 4th International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR2010), Bressanone/Brixen (Italy)September 2010
- Sergio Fernández, Diego Berrueta, Miguel García Rodríguez, Jose E. Labra, TRIOO, Keeping the Semantics of Data Safe and Sound into Object-Oriented Software, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT 2010), Athens, Greece, 22-24July 2010
- Gracián Triviño, Alberto Álvarez-Álvarez y Gonzalo Bailador, Application of the computational theory of perceptions to human gait pattern recognition, Pattern Recognition, 43(7):2572–2581July 2010
- Luis Angel San Martín, Víctor M. Peláez, Roberto González, Antonio Campos and Vanesa Lobato, Environmental user-preference learning for smart homes: An autonomous approach, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments. 2 (3), 327-342July 2010
- Alberto Álvarez-Álvarez, José María Alonso, Gracián Triviño, Noelia Hernández, FernandoHerranz, Ángel Llamazares y Manuel Ocaña, Human activity recognition applying computational intelligence techniques for fusing information related to WiFi positioning and body posture, Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems(FUZZ-IEEE), Barcelona, España, p. 1881–1885July 2010
- Nuno Lopes, Stefan Bischof, Orri Erling, Axel Polleres, Alexandre Passant, Diego Berrueta, Antonio Campos, Jé́rôme Euzenat, Kingsley Idehen, Stefan Decker, Sté́phane Corlosquet, Jacek Kopecky ́, Janne Saarela, Thomas Krennwallner, Davide Palmisano, and Michal Zaremba, RDF and XML: Towards a Unified Query Layer, Proceedings of the W3C Workshop on RDF Next Steps. StanfordJune 2010
- Carlos Tejo-Alonso, Sergio Fernández, Diego Berrueta, Luis Polo, María Jessús Fernández, and Victor Morlan, eZaragoza, a tourist promotional mashup, Submission to the AI Mashup Challenge 2010, co-located with the 7th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2010), Heraklion, Greece, 30 May - 3 June, 2010May 2010
- Eduardo Álvarez, Antonio Campos, Rodrigo García, Saray González and Carlos Díez, Scalable and Usable Web-Based Supervisory and Control System for Microgrid Management, Proceedings of the International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality, ICREPQ’10, ISBN: 978-84-613-7543-1. Granada (Spain), March 23-25, 2010March 2010
- Alberto Álvarez-Álvarez, José María Alonso, Gracián Triviño, Noelia Hernández, Fernando Herranz y Manuel Ocaña, Towards people indoor localization combining WiFi and human motion recognition, Actas XV Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy(ESTYLF), Huelva, p. 7–12February 2010
- Víctor Peláez, Roberto González, Luis Ángel San Martín, Antonio Campos, and Vanesa Lobato, Multilevel and Hybrid Architecture for Device Abstraction and Context Information Management in Smart Home Environments, Proceedings of the First International Join Conference on Ambient Intelligence, edited by Boris Ruyter, Reiner Wichert, David V. Keyson, Panos Markopoulos, Norbert Streitz, Monica Divitini, Nikolaos Georgantas, and Antonio Mana Gomez, 6439:207-216. Málaga, Spain: Springer Berlin HeidelbergJanuary 2010
- Alberto Álvarez-Álvarez y Gracián Triviño, Comprehensible model of a quasi-periodic signal, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), Pisa, Italia, p. 450–455December 2009
- John Breslin, Uldis Bojars, Alexandre Passant and Sergio Fernández (eds.), Proceedings of the ISWC2009 workshop on Social Data, the Web (SDoW2009), Washington DC (USA), October 25, 2009October 2009
- Alberto Fernández Villán, Rodrigo García Acevedo, Eduardo Alvarez Alvarez, Antonio Campos López, Daniel F. García, Rubén Usamentiaga Fernández, Marco Jimenez Meana and Jose Manuel García Sánchez, Low cost system for weld tracking based on artificial vision, 2009 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, October 4-8, 2009, Houston, TX, USAOctober 2009
- Iván Minguez, Diego Berrueta and Luis Polo, CRUZAR: an application of semantic matchmaking to eTourism, Chapter in Cases on Semantic Interoperability for Information Systems Integration: Practices and Applications, edited by Yannis Kalfoglou (eds.), IGI Global. ISBN 978-1-60566-894-9October 2009
- Eduardo Alvarez, Antonio Campos Lopez, Javier Gómez-Aleixandre, Nicolás de Abajo, On-line minimization of running costs, greenhouse gas emissions and the impact of distributed generation using microgrids on the electrical system, Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Conference on Sustainable Alternative Energy, Valencia September 29-30, 2009September 2009
- Patricia Miravet, Ignacio Marín, Francisco Ortín, and Abel Rionda, DIMAG: A Framework for Automatic Generation of Mobile Applications for Multiple Platforms, proceedings of ACM Mobility 2009, artículo MCA00049-00078. ISBN: 978-1-60558-536-9. Niza (Francia), 2-4 de septiembre de 2009. Premio al mejor artículo del congresoSeptember 2009
- Eduardo Alvarez, Antonio Campos Lopez, Javier Gómez-Aleixandre, Nicolás de Abajo, Algorithm for microgrid on-line central dispatch of electrical power and heat, Proceedings of the44th International Universities' Power Engineering Conference, Glasgow, September 1-4, 2009September 2009
- Luis Angel San Martín, Víctor Peláez, Roberto González, and Antonio Campos, Environmental user preference learning for smart homes, Vic Callaghan, Achilles Kameas, Angélica Reyes, Dolors Royo, and Michael Weber, editors, Intelligent Environments 2009. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, volume 2 of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, pages 177-184, IOS Press. Barcelona, SpainJuly 2009
- Jose Maria Alvarez, and Antonio Campos, Integration and Interoperability on Service Oriented Architectures using Semantics, Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium of the International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2009), San Sebastian, Spain, June 22-26, 2009June 2009
- Víctor Manuel Peláez, Luis Ángel San Martín, Roberto González, and Vanesa Lobato, Context management and user preference learning in smart home environments, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference, Intelligent Systems and Agents. Algarve, Portugal, June 21-23, 2009June 2009
- Vanesa Lobato, Gloria López, and Víctor M. Peláez, MHP interactive applications: Combining visual and speech user interaction modes, Adjunct proceedings of EuroITV 2009 Conference, pages 10-13. Leuven, BélgicaJune 2009
- Sonia García, Víctor Peláez, and Vanesa Lobato, Interfaz basado en televisión para el control de una instalación domótica utilizando el estándar MHP, Libro de ACTAS III Congreso Internacional sobre Domótica, Robótica y Teleasistencia para Todos DRT4all 2009, pages 149-156. Fundación ONCE para la Cooperación e Integración Social de las Personas con Discapacidad. Barcelona, SpainMay 2009
- Sergio Fernández, Diego Berrueta, Lian Shi, Jose E. Labra and Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos, Mailing Lists and Social Semantic Web, Chapter in Social Web Evolution: Integrating Semantic Applications and Web 2.0 Technologies, Miltiadis D. Lytras, Patricia Ordonez de Pablos (eds.), part of the Advances in Semantic Web and Information Systems (ASWIS) book series, IGI Global . ISBN: 978-1-60566-272-5May 2009
- Miguel García Rodríguez, Jose María Álvarez, Diego Berrueta and Luis Polo, Declarative Data Grounding Using a Mapping Language, Communications of SIWN, ISSN: 1757-4439, vol. 6, pages 132-138April 2009
- Miguel García Rodríguez, Jose María Álvarez, Diego Berrueta and Luis Polo, Declarative Data Grounding Using a Mapping Language, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Complex Distributed Systems (CODS 2009). Leipzig, GermanyMarch 2009
- Axel Polleres, Nuno Lopes, et al., XSPARQL. W3C Member Submission, W3CJanuary 2009
- John Breslin, Uldis Bojars, Alexandre Passant, Sergio Fernández and Stefan Decker, SIOC: Content Exchange and Semantic Interoperability Between Social Networks, W3C Workshop on the Future of Social Networking, Barcelona, SpainJanuary 2009
- Daniel F. García, Javier García, Joaquín Entrialgo, Manuel García, Pablo Valledor, Rodrigo García, Antonio M. Campos, A QoS Control Mechanism to Provide Service Differentiation and Overload Protection to Internet Scalable Servers, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 3-16, Jan.-Mar. 2009, doi:10.1109/TSC.2009.3January 2009
- John Breslin, Uldis Bojars, Alexandre Passant and Sergio Fernández (eds.), Proceedings of the ISWC2008 workshop on Social Data, on the Web (SDoW2008), Karlsruhe, GermanyOctober 2008
- Sergio Fernández, RDFohloh, a RDF wrapper of Ohloh, Proceedings of Social Data on the Web (SDoW2008), co-located with 7th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2008), Karlsruhe, GermanyOctober 2008
- Lian Shi, Diego Berrueta, Sergio Fernández, Luis Polo and Silvino Fernández, Smushing RDF instances: are Alice and Bob the same open source developer?, Proceedings of Personal Identification and Collaborations: Knowledge Mediation and Extraction workshop (PICKME 2008), co-located with 7th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2008), Karlsruhe, GermanyOctober 2008
- Rafael G. Ayestarán, Jesús A. López, Vanesa Lobato, Víctor M. Peláez, Sonia García, 3-Dimensional Digital Terrestrial Television, Proceedings of the 8th WSEAS International Conference on MULTIMEDIA, INTERNET & VIDEO TECHNOLOGIES (MIV '08), pages 146-150. Santander, SpainSeptember 2008
- Diego Berrueta, Jon Phipps (editors), Best Practice Recipes for Publishing RDF Vocabularies, W3C Working Group NoteAugust 2008
- Ignacio Marín, Abel Rionda, David Martinez, Celia Montes, Germán Pedrosa, Antonio Campos, Nomadic Device Identification and Client Provision for interaction in a Vehicular Network, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Wireless Applications and Computing 2008, co-located with the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (MCCSIS 2008), pp 29-37. ISBN: 978-972-8924-62-1. Amsterdam (Holand)July 2008
- Sergio Fernández, Diego Berrueta and José E. Labra, A semantic web approach to publish and consume mailing lists, International Journal on WWW/Internet, IADIS, ISSN 1645-7641, vol. 6, pages 90-102July 2008
- Diego Berrueta, Jose Emilio Labra and Ivan Herman, XSLT+SPARQL: Scripting the Semantic Web with SPARQL embedded into XSLT stylesheets, Proceedings of Scripting for the Semantic Web workshop (SFSW2008), co-located with 5th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2008), Tenerife, SpainJune 2008
- Cosmin Basca, Stéphane Corlosquet, Richard Cyganiak, Sergio Fernández and Thomas Schandl, Neologism: Easy Vocabulary Publishing. In Proceedings of Scripting for the Semantic Web workshop (SFSW2008), co-located with 5th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2008), Tenerife, SpainJune 2008
- Luis Polo, Jose Maria Alvarez and Emilio Rubiera Azcona, Promoting Government Controlled Vocabularies to the Semantic Web: EUROVOC Thesaurus and CPV Product Classification Scheme, Proceedings of Semantic Interoperability in the European Digital Library workshop (SIEDL2008), co-located with 5th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2008), Tenerife, SpainJune 2008
- Diego Berrueta, Sergio Fernández and Iván Frade, Cooking HTTP content negotiation with Vapour, Proceedings of Scripting for the Semantic Web workshop (SFSW2008), co-located with 5th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2008), Tenerife, SpainJune 2008
- Diego Berrueta, Sergio Fernández and Lian Shi, Bootstrapping the Semantic Web of Social Online Communities, Proceedings of Social Web Search and Mining (SWSM2008), co-located with 17th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2008), Beijing, ChinaApril 2008
- García, D. F., García, R., Entrialgo, J., García, J., and García, M., Evaluation of the effect of SSL overhead in the performance of e-business servers operating in B2B scenarios, Comput. Commun. 30, 16, 3063-3074. doi:10.1016/j.comcom.2007.05.040November 2007
- José Manuel Cantera, Diego Berrueta, Ignacio Marín, Semantic Mobile Web: Tecnologías emergentes de Web Semántica que mejoran la experiencia del usuario en la Web Móvil, proceedings of the XVII Jornadas Telecom I+D. Valencia, 29-31 October, 2007. ISBN-13: 978-84-8363-159-1October 2007
- Ignacio Marín, Rodrigo García, Luis Miguel González, Julio Argüello, María Jesús Fernández, Víctor Morlán, Adaptación a dispositivos móviles de portales web diseñados para navegadores de escritorio, In Proceedings ot the I Jornadas de Web Móvil (MWeb'07), co-located with the II Congreso Español de Informática (CEDI2007), pp 21-28. ISBN: 978-84-9732--618-6. ZaragozaSeptember 2007
- Diego Berrueta, Sergio Fernández, Ignacio Marín, José M. Cantera, Mario Arias, Juan J. Hierro, Miguel Jiménez, Javier Soriano, Aplicación de las tecnologías de la Web Semántica a la problemática de cumplimentación automática de formularios en la Web Móvil, Proceedings of workshop on MWeb'07, CEDI2007, Zaragoza, SpainSeptember 2007
- Encarna Quesada Ruíz, Ignacio Marín Prendes, María Jesús Fernández Ruiz (eds.), Proceedings of the I Jornadas de Web Móvil (MWeb'07), co-located with the II Congreso Español de Informática (CEDI2007), Zaragoza, Spain, September 12, 2007. ISBN: 978-84-9732--618-6September 2007
- Jose María Alvarez, Emilio Rubiera, Luis Polo, Generación automática de ontologías en SKOS de clasificaciones estándar de productos: Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV), Proceedings of workshop on WebSemántica'2007, CEDI2007, Zaragoza, SpainSeptember 2007
- John Breslin, Uldis Bojars, et al., SIOC Core Ontology Specification, W3C Member SubmissionJuly 2007
- Sergio Fernández, Diego Berrueta and José E. Labra, Mailing lists meet the Semantic Web, Proceedings of workshop on Social Aspects of the Web (SAW 2007), ISBN 83-916842-4-2, pp. 45-52, Poznan, PolandApril 2007
- Diego Berrueta, Luis Polo and Antonio Campos, CTIC Foundation's position on the ExpertFinder initiative, Proceedings of 1st ExpertFinder workshop, BerlinJanuary 2007
- Jose Arancón, Luis Polo, Diego Berrueta, François-Marie Lesaffre, Nicolás de Abajo, Antonio Campos, Ontology-based knowledge management in the steel industry, Chapter in "The semantic web: real-world applications from industry", Cardoso, J.; Hepp, M.; Lytras, M. (eds.). Springer. ISBN: 978-0-387-48530-0January 2007
- Álvarez, M., W3C and Web Services Standardization, ISSN: 1684-5285; UPGRADE Vol VII, No. 5October 2006
- Álvarez, M., El W3C y la estandarización en los Servicios Web, ISSN: 0211-2124; Novática No. 183, Sep-Oct 2006, XXXIIOctober 2006
- Ignacio Marín, Luis Miguel González, Rodrigo García, Position Paper: Implementation of a Device Description Repository, W3C International Workshop on the Implementation of a Device Description Repository. MadridJuly 2006
- José Manuel Cantera, Ignacio Marín, Javier Soriano, Juan Jose Hierro, Morfeo-MyMobileWeb Position Paper: Declarative Models for Ubiquitous Web Applications, W3C Workshop on Declarative Models of Distributed Web Applications. Dublin (Ireland)June 2006
- Daniel F. García, Javier García, Manuel García, Ivan Peteira, Rodrigo García, Pablo Valledor, Benchmarking of Web Services Plattforms - An Evaluation with the TPC-APP Benchmark, WEBIST (1) 2006: 75-80May 2006
- Diego Berrueta, Jose E. Labra, Luis Polo, Searching over Public Administration Legal Documents Using Ontologies, Proceedings of Joint Conference on Knowledge-based Software Engineering (JCKBSE 2006). Tallin (Estonia). Also in Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol 140. ISBN: 1-58603-640-8. Pag.: 167 - 175January 2006
- Diego Berrueta, Luis Polo, Buscador Semántico para la Documentación de la Administración Pública del Principado de Asturias, Proceedings of Blogak. Bilbao (Spain)January 2006
- Luis Polo, Diego Berrueta, Servicios semánticos para la Documentación de la Administración Pública del Principado de Asturias, Actas del taller de Web Semántica, CAEPIA'05. Santiago de CompostelaNovember 2005
- Antonio Campos, CTIC Foundation's position about Semantics in Web Services, Proceedings of the workshop on Frameworks for Semantic in Web Services. Innsbruck, AustriaJune 2005