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In Arroes, Peón and Candanal Valley we have developed a model based on the concept of Territorial Intelligence, which is defined as the knowledge necessary to understand and comprehend the systemic functioning, dynamics and structures of the territory, as well as the management of the instruments and techniques to make the most of this knowledge, so that the strategies allow for its sustainability.


What is CTIC Ruraltech?

  • A CTIC headquarters specialised in rural areas
  • A research and technological innovation centre
  • A Centre of thought and action for new ruralities
  • Merging tradition, innovation and technology
  • A testbed and experimentation ground for new disruptive technologies
  • A role model and benchmark to follow
  • The "brain" for making the Peón valley a "Sandbox" for technological experimentation


Our goal

To contribute to providing solutions to the problems of the rural environment through technological innovation:

Enhancing the capacities of rural enterprises and territories

Improving the quality of life of rural communities


Lines of work

Its activity is structured in five lines of work:

1) Innovation and digital transformation for rural businesses

2) Technological innovation for people's quality of life

3) Support to local development entities and groups

4) Rural Technology Demonstrator Centre

5) Meeting place for agents and model villages





A continuación se muestra un mapa de Google Maps con la ubicación


Bárcena 51, 33314 Peón, Villaviciosa, Asturias
Teléfono : +34 984 29 12 12 Fax : +34 984 39 06 12 Email :


Responsable: Fundación CTIC
Finalidad: Envío de información de carácter administrativa, técnica y/o comercial sobre servicios sobre los que se consulta.
Legitimación: consentimiento expreso del interesado/a.
Destinatarios/as: encargados del tratamiento.
Derechos del interesado/a: acceso, rectificación, supresión, cancelación, limitación y portabilidad de los datos
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