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GLocalFlex - A Global as well as Local Flexibility Marketplace to Demonstrate Grid Balancing Mechanisms through Cross-sectoral Interconnected and Integrated Energy Ecosystems enabling Automatic Flexibility Trading.

This project aims to implement demand response solutions and services, in a replicable way, to accelerate the scale-up of flexible local energy systems (LES) by driving easily accessible energy flexibility markets that enable increased consumer participation in all energy sectors.

GLocalFlex aims to offer viable solutions and interoperable products at all levels of the grid (consumers, producers, retailers, aggregators and market), relying on the selection of modular technology standards and tools.

The set of systems will be flexible both in terms of energy use to provide quality services to the grid and in its own evolution (to change, upgrade or integrate various devices, consumers and micro-grids to create cross-sectoral energy ecosystems).

This project will demonstrate this concept of flexible energy trading on a large scale at six sites in Europe.

CTIC's work in this project is mainly focused on the development and configuration of the software modules needed to meet the objectives set for the energy flexibility solutions and services to be implemented in the Spanish pilot.